SARAH 25th March 2024

My wonderful Nan From childhood memories- When you were always there, with soft cuddles for us kids. Sleepovers with a cosy bed and blankets. Your pinafore, perm and perfume. Pottering about in the kitchen; we always asked for stew (and pancakes too!) Elvis Presley films on the tv after playing in the garden To adulthood memories - Seeing you sat in your chair, still always with the tidiest and neatest of clothes; a blouse and a brooch. Forever trying to feed us biscuits and crisps, orange juice in little cartons. Stories of your childhood, and making us laugh with your ways of talking. You always spoke of Grandad, your true love, and now you’ve joined him, as you always wanted to. My lovely Nan- You were a constant in my life, and you’ll remain constant in my heart and memories. Thank you, for always being my Nanny Marg. All my love xxx